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Love's a Mystery Book 9: Peculiar, MO

Escape into a timeless world of tender romance, puzzling mysteries and secrets, and happy endings with Guideposts' exclusive Love's a Mystery series. Peculiar, MO by Emily Quinn and Laura Bradford, is book eight in the series.

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Product Description

In Peculiar, MO is the ninth book of the romantic series Love’s A Mystery

In 1960… Starting over in Peculiar, Missouri, Rhoda Grey is happy to give up her lonely urban life. All she needs is a little time to get her inherited farm going. Her neighbor, Martin Oaks, needs acreage to prove to his father that the family farm can be successful using modern techniques. But the property he’s been hoping to buy is now owned by a city girl—one he’s inexplicably drawn to. When accidents and disasters start happening on Rhoda’s farm, can she and Martin learn to trust each other and figure out who wants her to leave—just when she’s found a reason to stay? 

Today… Susie Walker rents a booth at Brian Bonner’s flea market, where she sells fun and unusual items, some as odd as she often feels. But when she is greeted each morning by a series of typed notes hinting at a sadness that touches her deeply, she enlists Brian’s help to find the author. As they search for the mysterious stranger, they encounter other hearts in need of healing and make friends of former strangers. But will the deepest bond they forge be with each other?


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